A Dirty History of Photography: Chemistry, Fog and Empire (University of Chicago Press, Fall 2025)
Writing/talks freely available online:
(click on titles to go to texts/videos)
“Take Me to the River: Place and Material in Visual Culture” in
Visual Culture in Britain, 1–6.
“Photography's Other Sensitivities”, Media Theory 8, no 1 (special issue
Seeing Photographically), 2024.
“Keeping out the Fog: Atmospheric Contamination and Control in the Industrial Darkroom” in Photoresearcher 41, (special issue
The Darkroom, ed. Sara Dominici)
2022 “
‘Some Slight Eruptive Disease’: Victorian Verisimilitude in Photography and Plastercasting” in
The Matter of Mimesis, edited by Marjolijn Bol and E.C. Spary , Leiden: Brill.
2022 Public Talk with Professor Georgina Endfield,
“A Lens on the Weather: Historical Perspectives on Photography and Climate” 25 May 2022, as part of the University of Liverpool's Public Lecture Series 2022 on
Arts, Sustainability and the Climate Crisis (video)
“ Unseen and Unheard: Photography in the Atmosphere”, keynote at Photo Archives VIII, Basel, Switzerland, 5 May 2022.(video)
“Microfilm and Memex: Lucia Moholy, Photography and the Information Revolution” in
Bauhaus Imaginista, edition 4: Still Undead.
“A Hundred Years: Lucia Moholy and German Photography History in Britain”, 20 minute paper given at
Sites of Interchangeat the Courtauld Institute of Art, London (video).
“Holes: Colonialism and Negative Space in Modernist Photography” in
WrongWrong Magazine, 12 “Left”.