journal articles, review articles and online
“Take me to the River: Place and Material in Visual Culture” in
Visual Culture in Britain, 2024, 1–6, available
“The Oscillating Image” in Diane Smyth (ed),
Multi Multi Multi, Photoworks Annual 31, 2024, details
“Photography's Other Sensitivities”,
Media Theory 8, no 1 (special issue Seeing Photographically), 2024, available
“Keeping out the Fog: Atmospheric Contamination and Control in the Industrial Darkroom”,
Photoresearcher 41, (special issue The Darkroom) 2024, available
“Kind of Blue: Social Media Photography and Emotion”, Networked Images in Surveillance Capitalism, Special Issue of
Digital Culture and Society, 2022
(with Junko Theresa Mikuriya) Light Sensitive Material, special issue of
photographies, 14 (3), 2021, available
“Colorsnap! Colour photography, the market in patents and the 1929 crash”,
History of Photography, 44 (4), 2021 available
“The Worlding of Light and Air: Dufaycolor and Selochrome in the 1930s ”,
Visual Culture in Britain, 21 (2), 2020, 177-198
“Image Flow: Photography on Tap ”,
photographies, 11 (2-3), 2018, 133-148
“The Floating Face: Garbo, Photography and Death Masks”,
photographies, 10 (2) 2017, 157-178
“Otto Neurath”, In Ritzer, George (ed).
Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Sociology. Blackwell Publishing, 2015. Blackwell Reference Online.
“Living Life in Pictures: the Ambiguities of Isotype”
New Formations 71, Summer 2011.
“The Pig in the Bath: New Materialisms and Cultural Studies”,
Radical Philosophy 145, September-October 2007, available
“Anthropomorphic Taxidermy and the Death of Nature: The Curious Art of Hermann Ploucquet, Walter Potter and Charles Waterton”,
Victorian Literature and Culture 35, 2007, 663-678.
“A Picture of Virtue”, review of Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison, Objectivity,
New Formations, 64, Winter 2008, available
Review of Mark Sandberg, ‘Living Pictures, Missing Persons: Mannequins, Museums and Modernity’,
New Formations, 61, Summer 2007, available
books / chapters
“‘Some Slight Eruptive Disease’: Victorian Verisimilitude in Photography and Plastercasting” in
The Matter of Mimesis, edited by Marjolijn Bol and E.C. Spary , Leiden: Brill 2022, available
“That Liking Feeling: Mood, Emotion and Social Media Photography” in
Ubiquity: Photography's Multitudes, edited by Jacob Lewis and Kyle Parry, University of Leuven Press 2021, available
“Lucia Moholy and German Photography History in Britain” in
Sites of Interchange: Modernism, Politics and Culture between Britain and Germany, 1919-1955, edited by Lucy Wasensteiner, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2021, details
“What Moves? The Itineraries of pre-Digital Photography” in
Images on the Move: Materiality — Networks — Formats, edited by Olga Moskatova, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2021 details
“Feeling Photos: Photography, Picture Language and Mood Capture” in
Photography Off the Scale: Technologies and Theories of the Mass Image, edited by Tomáš Dvořák and Jussi Parikka, Edinburgh University Press, 2021, details
“Of Tennis Courts and Fireplaces: Neurath's internment on the Isle of Man and his Politics of Design” in Jordi Cat & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds) New Perspectives on Otto Neurath’s Life and Works With the 1940-45 Neurath-Carnap Correspondence, Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science Series, Berlin: Springer 2019.
[More details here ]
In press: with Rehan Hyder,“ Bristol: Urban Space and Underground Music Cultures”, in Ten Cities: Public Sphere, Urban Space, Club Culture, Goethe Institute / Spector, Leipzig, 2019.
[More details here ]
Photography: The Unfettered Image, London: Routledge 2018.
[More details here ]
Museum Media, edited by Michelle Henning, volume of the International Handbooks of Museum Studies (general eds. Sharon Macdonald and Helen Rees-Leahy, Wiley--‐Blackwell, 2015.
[More details here ]
“With and Without Walls: Photographic Reproduction and the Art Museum” In Museum Media, edited by Michelle Henning, Wiley--‐Blackwell (published online 2013; print in 2015).
[Available here ]
“The subject as object: photography and the human body”. Revised and updated version in fifth edition of Liz Wells (ed) Photography: A Critical Introduction, London: Routledge 2015.
[More details here ]
with Rehan Hyder, "Locating the 'Bristol Sound': Archiving Music as Everyday Life". Sara Cohen, Robert Knifton, Marion Leonard, Les Roberts (eds), Sites Of Popular Music Heritage: Memories, Histories, Places, London: Routledge, 2014.
[More details here ]<
“Isotypes and Elephants: Picture Language as Visual Writing in the Work and Correspondence of Otto Neurath”, in Susan Harrow (ed) The Art of The Text, University of Wales Press, 2012.
[More details here ]
“Neurath’s Whale”. In Sam Alberti (ed) The Afterlife of Animals, University of Virginia Press, 2011.
[More details here ]
”The Cosmic Symbol”. In Fiona Candlin and Raiford Guins (eds) The Object Reader, London: Routledge, 2009.
[More details here ]
“Legibility and affect: museums as new media”. In Sharon Macdonald and Paul Basu (eds) Exhibition Experiments, Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.
[More details here ]
“New lamps for old: photography, obsolescence and social change”. In Charles Acland (ed) Residual Media, Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 2007.
[More details here ]
“The World Wide Web as Wunderkammer”. In James Lyons and John Plunkett (eds) Multimedia Histories, Exeter: Exeter University Press 2007.
[More details here ]
“Skins of the real: taxidermy and photography”. In Bryndis Snaebjörnsdóttir and Mark Wilson, Nanoq: Flat-out and Bluesome, Blackdog Press, 2006.
[Available here ]
“New media”. In Sharon Macdonald (ed) A Companion to Museum Studies. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006. (Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2007).
[More details here ]
with Rebecca Goddard, “Fuel, metal, air: the appearances and disappearances of Amelia Earhart”. In Jane Arthurs and Iain Grant (eds), Crash Cultures: Modernity, Mediation and the Material, Bristol: Intellect Press 2003.
[More details
“Don’t touch me I’m electric: on sense and sensation in modernity”. In Jane Arthurs and Jean Grimshaw (eds.) Women’s Bodies: Discipline And Transgression, London: Cassell, 1999.
[Available here ]
“Digital encounters: mythical pasts and electronic presence”. In Martin Lister (ed) The Photographic Image in Digital Culture, London: Routledge, 1995.
[Available here]
conference papers and keynotes
Public Talk with Professor Georgina Endfield, "A Lens on the Weather: Historical Perspectives on Photography and Climate" 25 May 2022, as part of the University of Liverpool's Public Lecture Series 2022 on
Arts, Sustainability and the Climate Crisis.
Available online here
“'Unseen and unheard': Photography in the Atmosphere”, keynote at Photo Archives VIII, Basel, Switzerland, 5 May 2022.
Available online here
“Atmospheric Affects: Photography Dispersed”, keynote at Helsinki Photomedia conference “Images Among Us” 31 March - 2 April 2022
Details here
“Colorsnap! Aesthetics, Technology and Capital in the 1928 Boom”, keynote at The Business of Photography, Photographic History Research Centre, De Montfort University, June 2019
“Lucia Moholy and the Impact of German Photography History in Britain”, Sites of Interchange: Modernism, Politics, and Culture in Britain and Germany, 1919-1951, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London 2018.
“Feeling Photos: photography, picture language and mood capture” keynote at Photography Off the Scale, FAMU, Prague, 9-10 November 2018
"Photochemistry, Atmosphere and Affect in the Case of Ilford Limited 1914 –1945" invited paper at the History and Theory of Photography Research Centre, Birkbeck, London, 5 June 2018
"Affective Realism: Creative Photography on Ice" at Out of Sight: Practices and Theories of the Image,
Third Annual Staff and Doctoral Symposium, London School of Film, Media and Design, 30 May 2018
"‘The Power Behind the Lens’: Photochemistry and the Transformation of Sensory Experience in the Case of Ilford Ltd." at After Post-Photography 4 - Modes of Production, European University in St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018
"International Picture Language, the Attention Economy and the Market in Images" at UBIQUITY: photography’s multitudes: symposium at the University of Rochester Humanities Center, NY, USA, 26-27 April 2018
"Photography Sets the Image Free", Inaugural Professorial Lecture, University of West London, 7 March 2018
2018 "Ilford Photographic Manufacturers: Industry, Innovation and Sensory Experience", invited paper at the Photographic History Research Centre at De Montfort University, 5 February 2018
“Holes”, at The Left Conference: Photography and Film Criticism, Museum
of Contemporary Art of Chiado (MNAC), Lisbon, Portugal. 16-18 November
“We Are Here But Where Are You?”, invited paper at Urban Encounters
Conference, Tate Britain, London, UK. On Panel "Optical Transformations:
Between the Analog and the Digital", 11 November 2017.
Flow: Photography on Tap” at Photographies journal: Critical Issues in
Photography Today, International Conference, University of Westminster,
London, UK. 18 - 20 May 2017.
“Microfilm and Memex: Lucia Moholy, Photography and the Information Revolution”,
Staff and Doctoral Symposium, London School of Film, Design and Media, 3
May 2017.
Floating Face: Glamour, Photography and Death Masks” at the Inaugural
Staff and Doctoral Symposium, London School of Film, Design and Media,
18th May 2016
Artist's talk : “The Hope Six Demolition Project”, University of West London, 13th April 2016
Photo-things: Contemporary Photography and New Materialism”. Conference
paper given at Material Culture in Action: Practices of making,
collecting and re-enacting art and design, Glasgow School of Art, UK,
7-8 September 2015
“Photography, Attention and The Museum” invited paper for the School of
Anthropology / Pitt Rivers Museum seminar in Visual, Material and
Museum Anthropology at the University of Oxford, 13 November 2015
“In Conversation: Aurélien Froment, Anna Craycroft and Michelle
Henning”, event for the exhibition Aurélien Froment Fröbel Fröbeled at
Spike Island, Bristol, 13 August 2015.
“Of Tennis Courts and Fireplaces: Neurath's internment on the Isle of
Man and his politics of design” invited paper at Otto Neurath:
Democratisation and Civic Education Workshop, University of Vienna, 28
May. 2015.
Media Archaeology and the Image”, paper given at Archaeologies of Media
and Film conference, University of Bradford / National Media Museum, 4
September 2014.
“From a World in a Box to a World without Borders: Art Museums, Media
Technologies and Cosmopolitanism”, invited public lecture at the Museum
Sztuki in Łodz, Poland, as part of their Universal Museum series,
November 2013
Virtual Artefact: Social Media and the Play of the Image”, paper given
at Artefacts Culture and Identity, annual conference of the
International Society for Cultural History, Istanbul / Turkey, 12
September 2013.
Lives: Harnessing Students’ Media Use”, workshop / talk at Refresh:
Reinvigorating Film and Media Teaching in the Digital Age, Watershed
Media Centre Bristol, 26 June 2013.
speaker in Ten--‐Cities international workshop organized by the Goethe
Institut, Nairobi held in Nairobi, April 2013. This included a public
discussion and debate at the Goethe Institut.
the Bristol Sound: Archiving Music as Everyday Life”, paper given with
Rehan Hyder at Sites of Popular Music Heritage, University of Liverpool,
8--‐9 Sept. 2011.
the Bristol Sound” paper given with Rehan Hyder at Collecting and
Curating Popular Music Heritage Symposium, British Library, London, July
“Neurath’s Whale” (invited paper) The Afterlife of Animals, at Manchester University / Manchester Museum, December 2009.
My Recent Research”, (invited paper) International Isotype Symposium, University of Reading, September 2009.
Post-War Happiness: Otto Neurath and Britain in 1945”, After the War:
Post-War Structures of Feeling, the Institute of English Studies, /the
Birkbeck Centre for Post-War Cultural Research, University of London,
May 8-9, 2009.
“Isotype”, Manifesting Type workshop, Portsmouth University, April 2009.
language as visual writing: Otto Neurath’s Isotype”, Sublimely Visual:
The Art of the Text, Centre for the Study of Visual and Literary
Cultures, University of Bristol, September 2008
“Picture languages and other things: the materiality of Isotype”, Networks of Design, Conference of the Design History Society, University College Falmouth, September, 2008.
“The things signs do: cultural history through the work of the Isotype Institute” Orientations: the International Society for Cultural History Conference, Ghent, Belgium August, 2008.
“Living signs: theory and materiality in the work of Otto Neurath”. Engaging Objects, ASCA International Workshop, Amsterdam 2008.
“Animate things: romantic materialism and modernist design”. Real Things: matter, materiality, representation conference York U.K. 2007.
“The pig in the bath: new materialisms and cultural studies”. Radical Philosophy Annual Conference, Materials and Materialisms. London UK, 2007.
“Play as protest: reclaiming children’s space in practice”. With Tonia Carless. Royal Geographic Society/ Institute of British Geographers International Conference. London, UK, 2006.
“Frozen Worlds: Natural History Taxidermy”, invited public talk to accompany the exhibition Ursa Major, by Bryndis Snaebjörnsdóttir and Mark Wilson, at Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, 2006
“The sex appeal of the inorganic: researching experience and affect in display culture”. With Ben Highmore. New Research into the History of National and International Exhibitions, Festivals and World's Fairs, Victoria and Albert Museum, London UK, 2005.
“From Froebel to Fluxus: Cybernetic Serendipity and learning through play”. Paper given as part of Technology, Utopia, Affect seminar series, UWE, Bristol, 2005.
Invited Lecture at White-Out symposium, for the exhibition Nanoq: Flat-out and Bluesome, by Bryndis Snaebjörnsdóttir and Mark Wilson, Spike Island, Bristol 2004.
“Making things happen: interactivity in zoos and museums”. At the Sixth International Symposium on Zoo design. Paignton Zoo Environmental Park and Living Coasts, UK, May 2004.
“The return of curiosity: the World Wide Web as curiosity museum”. Multimedia Histories: From the Magic Lantern to the Internet. University of Exeter, UK, 2003
“Fuel, Metal, Air”, performance/talk with Rebecca Goddard. Crash Cultures Symposium, organised by Bristol UWE Centre for Critical Theory, at Watershed Media Centre, Bristol, 2002.
“Deaths recorded and lives recalled: memorial culture and new media”. Inventions of Death conference, Warwick University, UK, 2001
“Leaving virtual flowers: mourning and mementoes in Internet cemeteries”. American Mourning Conference, School of American Studies, Keele University, UK, 2001.
“Gawping, gaping and gazing: taxidermy and improper attention”. ACLA Conference, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2001.
“In memory of Madison (or ‘Death on the net’)”, at The Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal, 5th International Conference at Goldsmith's College, University of London, UK, 2000.
“Spectacular animals: techniques of animal display and ways of seeing”, at Millennial Animals: Theorizing and Understanding the Importance of Animals, University of Sheffield, UK , 2000.
“Memory and Modernity”, UWE Critical Contacts, November,1995.
“La Cicciolina; Painting, pornography, politics”, at Subversions Objects The Association of Art Historians' Annual Conference, April, 1992.